The story of the Firestorm universe starts as many sci-fi universes do. Humanity experiences a golden age of technological advancement and colonises much of the galaxy. As they explore humanity came into contact with alien races, namely the Aquans, the Relthoza and Sorylians,and fought a war with these races that became to be known as the Wars of First Contact.
A map of the known Firestorm galaxy |
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Terran Ships |
A short while after First War of Succession several Terran corporate giants bought their freedom from the empire in return for supplying arms and equipment for any future wars against the colonists. These corporations would become known as the Directorate and would soon jump sides and join the colonists, who were very wealthy due to vast reverses of natural resources located in the Outer Reach where they were based.
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Directorate Ships |
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Dindrenzi Ships |
Bizarrely despite beating the Terrans and other Outer Reach races such as the Relthoza the Dindrenzi feared retribution from the Terrans and began to gather other Outer Reach factions and races to their side. The Directorate and Relthoza were the big two backers of the Dindrenzi and formed the core of what was to be known as Zenian League. However the League was soon to be joined by others such as the Works Raptor company, who amongst the companies of the Directorate stood out for their blood thirsty and psychopathic ways, and the Ba'Kash, a race of alien pirates and raiders who have been lured to the Zenain League by promise of the loot.
And now a century after the Dindrenzi won their freedom war has returned. The Kurak Allaince and the Zenain League have gone to war, with the Dindrenzi and Terrans seeing only each other in this conflict, each human nation desiring to right previous wrongs. In the galactic south the Relthoza have given into to the urge to expand and conquer that has been building in their race for some time and now their vast warfleets hammer into Sorylian controlled space. Meanwhile the fleets of the Directorate, always eager for more plunder and profit have launched attacks against the Aquans with only the wost human motivation of greed driving them forward, seeking new systems to raid. War has returned and there are no signs of it letting up in the near future.
Dindrenzi and Sorylian fleets clash |
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