Saturday, 27 June 2015


Behold the new Age of Sigmar and gosh darn it don't  those models look similar, i am sure i have seen their look somewhere else in GWs range........

Looks like space marines to me and on round bases to boot, why this isnt called the Age of Space Marines is beyond me.

I personally wont be moving to the Age of Space Marines and will be sticking with 8th edition and my wonderfully non space marine armies for that edition. I encourage all fans of the past 8 editions of WHFB to do the same, 8th is a great edition and right now i see no reason to change. Until next time.


  1. But have you seen the Chaos minis yet? Absolutely freaking amazing. Can't wait to see what they come up with for the other races - the miniatures themselves, in terms of design and sculpt, are nothing short of fantastic.

    1. The Chaos miniatures do look good and who knows, maybe the other races will be even better.

      The rules are the biggest concern right now, we know nothing about them and it will be the rules that determine if people buy into the new system

  2. Technically very nice minis but as you struck on it doesn't hit that familiar note. I personally like them but I've never been a big fan of the Empire's look.

    Also Age of Sigmarines has been the leading mock name thus far.

    1. I am hopeful that the other races don't look so unlike traditional WHFB, so far it anit looking good

      Rules are still a utter mystery, lets hope we hear something about them soon

  3. Yep. Same here. I want to know how it plays and what form Undead will take in this new game.

    1. The rules matter the most at this stage because we can just sub in old 8th ed models, so bring in the rules rumours

  4. My Empire, my beautiful Empire! What have they done to you!

    If I wanted to play a Sanguinary Guard army I would have GW. Looks more and more like i'll just be selling my WHFB stuff once the new edition drops.

    1. I wouldn't sell it, keep it because chances are that 8th will still be played quite a bit since it looks like AOS is another bloody skirmish game

    2. I'm with you there Rex. These Space Marines don't do it for me. At least Chaos remains Chaos, even if they also look like CSMs now. I suspect we are moving to a overlap game somewhere in the future, where you can use just about anything in the Age of Sigmarines. Like that term.

    3. 8th ed all the way, i am currently painting up a Beastman army and wont be going to AOS......unless the rules are the best thing on the planet

  5. I'll be waiting till I read the rules and play a few games. There's nothing stopping us using minis we like to represent the models. All that matters is are the rules good. There are plenty of alternate mini companies out there to source armies we like the aesthetic of.
    I really do fear for the Empire looking at these pics. There will be a boutique manufacturer out there that will hopefully cater to your armies

    1. If not then Trade Me and Ebay will supply you.

      I agree on the rules point, cant wait to see what they look like

  6. Hi same anon from the last bugger post and when I looked at these I just despise the "six pack" armour in fact when I first saw the pic I thought it was a sanguinary assault terminator conversion then I read the caption and looked at my 5000pt empire army with converted characters of all types and for all characters and sighed my main hope is that the beastmen are still in and that they don't just become a mess of random units that warriors can just ignore and that the beastmen look good the cat monster gives me some hope for good looking beasty models but looking at space marines in fantasy I severely doubt it

    sorry for the rant I just can't look past the six packs seriously why would you sculpt armour like that?
