Friday, 14 February 2014

Review: Warhammer Visions

Last Night I had the chance to read through GW’s new magazine “Warhammer Visions”, and I wasn’t impressed. It’s not that warhammer visions is poorly presented, or badly edited, its that its selling you things you would get for free. 

Before I go into the bad lets look at the positive side, the magazine itself is nicely presented, its broken up into various sections that display pictures of models from various armies.  The pictures themselves give you a good look at the models they showcase, which is something that GWs website doesn’t do.

But there lies the crux of my issue, all the content (and I mean literally all of it) in warhammer visions can be found on the internet, and you don’t have to pay a single cent for it. Go to Warseer or Dakka Dakka’s Gallery section and you will find ten times the content of warhammer visions. GW is pulling the wargaming equivalent of selling bottled water.

Below you will find a collection of images from Warseer’s army log threads and gallery, if you have a desire to experience warhammer visions all you would need to do is scroll down this page, and its all free! I honestly can’t see why someone would by Warhammer Visions more than once, unless they had a sudden desire to lose all their money, but if you want to do that there are charities that need your money more than GW. Until next time.



  1. The one thing I liked when I read a copy last night was that it had a few conversions. Something I dont see in codices anymore. Other than that I see great pictures of models every day so yea not for me either.

    1. Yeah its pretty cheeky to ask money for it. As a aside i apologize for the formatting of this post, for some reason it went a bit weird

  2. I will say it will be worth checking out again in about 4-5 months, since it gives them a chance to react to the reviews and adjust accordingly. Just due to the nature of the publishing industry and the lead in times for magazines.

    1. Maybe, but I suspect in 6-8 months it will be discontinued...
